Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Post 10

Tuesday, December 20th 2016 started off as a beautiful day and ended in a tragic nightmare. It was five days before Christmas when my friend and I was headed out for the Pre Christmas sales at the mall trying to get last minute gifts sets for Christmas presents. We had a car load of gift’s as we were leaving the mall. Traveling home, I began approaching the on going green light, as I was going under the green light this car turned out in front of me from no where. Then it seems like as it was coming everything slowed down then all of a sudden there was this loud “BOOOOOOM”! that was so very loud and hard, I cant remember in exact how many times my car spinned around in the road but whenever we stopped I remember opening my eyes alert and coughing from the smoke. Then I shook my friend and jumped out the passager side and fell into the road. My body was in so much shock at the time I didn’t know I was at the time that I was burned and had major cuts and fractures. That accident was a tragic for me!!!!!


  1. Sorry you had to go through something like this. Something like this will make you look at life so different but I'm glad you're okay.

  2. It's insane how dangerous driving can be everyday. Glad you're ok. This is definite a modern issues I can tell you that.
