Saturday, February 25, 2017

Post 12

According to a criminal complaint, Melges got into a dispute with her parents May 9 and told them that they'll "never see the kids again." Other family members said Melges was acting out of character, perhaps due to medication she was taking.

Police said Melges rented a van in Lake Bluff, Illinois, on the same day as her argument with her parents. The van was dropped off four days later in Plano, Texas. They disappeared after that, prompting an alert by authorities Monday.

It was immediately unclear how the family members made it to Georgia.
Lt. Ed Gritzner with the Lake Geneva Police Department said another Lake Geneva resident happened to be staying at the same hotel in Savannah, spotted the family, and called police. 

"They were able to track them down in that area and we were able to locate them late this morning," Gritzner said. 

Melges' sons, 14-year-old Hans Melges, 12-year-old Kristian "Max" Melges, and 10-year-old Maverik "Buddy" Melges, were placed in protective custody after their mother was arrested.
Police said Melges had sole custody of her three sons after her divorce, but her ex-husband still had visitation privileges.
"There was also a condition that if she were to leave a 150-mile radius, she's to notify the court as well as Mr. Melges, and that did not occur," Gritzner said. 
In my opinion this tragedy wouldn't be classified as a classical tragedy because no one was the hero, and no one got hurt or harmed. otherwise, this tragedy who experiences a reversal of fortune set in motion by the gods as a result of hubris. Oedipus is one example of a classical tragedy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Post 10

Tuesday, December 20th 2016 started off as a beautiful day and ended in a tragic nightmare. It was five days before Christmas when my friend and I was headed out for the Pre Christmas sales at the mall trying to get last minute gifts sets for Christmas presents. We had a car load of gift’s as we were leaving the mall. Traveling home, I began approaching the on going green light, as I was going under the green light this car turned out in front of me from no where. Then it seems like as it was coming everything slowed down then all of a sudden there was this loud “BOOOOOOM”! that was so very loud and hard, I cant remember in exact how many times my car spinned around in the road but whenever we stopped I remember opening my eyes alert and coughing from the smoke. Then I shook my friend and jumped out the passager side and fell into the road. My body was in so much shock at the time I didn’t know I was at the time that I was burned and had major cuts and fractures. That accident was a tragic for me!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Post 10

Me and a few people had the same views for an epic hero. There are many heroes, both fictional and real, but they all have certain qualities that make them heroes. Qualities that I think make a hero are courage, responsibility, and good judgement. One hero I think has all these qualities is Batman. Our modern heroes reflect classical heroes in almost every way that are being showed in everyone's post

Friday, February 17, 2017

In modern popular fiction, a superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of costumed heroic character who possesses supernatural or superhuman powers and who is dedicated to fighting crime, protecting the public, and usually battling supervillains. A female superhero is sometimes called a superheroine (also rendered super-heroine or super heroine). By most definitions, characters do not require actual supernatural or superhuman powers or phenomena to be deemed superheroes. There are many heroes, both fictional and real, but they all have certain qualities that make them heroes. Qualities that I think make a hero are courage, responsibility, and good judgement. One hero I think has all these qualities is Batman.
      Batman is a DC comic super hero and the defender of Gotham City. Batman is very courageous because he doesn't have any superpowers but still has the courage to face crazy villains and dangerous criminals. Batman puts his life in danger for his city and that makes him a courageous hero. Responsibility is a huge quality in a superhero because they have taken the responsibility to keep their city safe. The city of Gotham counts on Batman to be responsible and flashes the bat sign in the sky when he is needed. Batman commits his whole life to protecting the citizens of Gotham and does whatever is necessary to keep his city safe and that makes him a responsible superhero. Another important quality in a hero is good judgment. A hero needs to have good judgement because stupid decisions could end up killing people. Batman always uses good judgement and thinks a situation through before saving the day. It is batman's smart good decisions that make him a good hero.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Post 7

I chose The Wife of Bath's Tale for my Wikipedia article because because this one appeared to be my favorite and its more interesting. I feel like its easier to make connections because of how women are in todays society. The 'The Wife of Bath's Tale,'  is a story of a woman so far ahead of her time. A woman who isn't afraid of her own sexuality and is very open in her exploits and her love for 'sex.' As for the article I particularly choses can have a lot more editing and add on to it

The article opens up with a brief introduction of what the Canterbury tales is / The wife of bathe tales. I can add more to the plot and characters.

Post 7

The term romantic first appeared in 18th-century English and originally meant "romance like"-that is, resembling the fanciful character of the medieval period.

The Origins of romanticism was a literary movement that swept through virtually every country of Europe, the United States, and Latin America that lasted from about 1750 to 1870. However, the Romantic Movement did not reach France until the1820's. Romanticism's essential spirit was one of revolt against an established order of things-against precise rules, laws, dogmas, and formulas that characterized Classicism in general and late18th-century Neoclassicism in particular. It praised imagination over reason, emotions over logic, and intuition over science-making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility and passion. In their choice of heroes, also, the romantic writers replaced the static universal types of classical 18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters. They became preoccupied with the genius, the hero, and the exceptional figure in general, and a focus on his passions and inner struggles and there was an emphasis on the examination of human personality and its moods and mental potentialities. Romantic love on the Wife of Bath is similar to romantic love in Europe, China, India, and Japan because in the tale the old hag married men because they were somewhat wealthy.